HomeCompany Protect
- Special insurance for “temporary furnished accommodation
- Complete protection of the tenancy
- Simple processing through our partner

HomeCompany Protect
- Special insurance for “temporary furnished accommodation
- Complete protection of the tenancy
- Simple processing through our partner

“Temporary living” has become safer!
Not all household or home insurance policies cover damage in and to rented apartments, and not every tenant has liability insurance that also covers rented objects/properties in the event of damage. In order to close this gap, HomeCompany, in cooperation with the FAIRsicherungsladen Freiburg, has created an insurance cover tailored exactly to our requirements.
A prerequisite for settlement is a handover protocol signed by both parties at the time of the change of tenant as well as a current inventory list also signed by both parties. In this way, it is proven to the insurance company that the damage occurred during the rental relationship arranged by HomeCompany.
The insurance premium is paid by your local HomeCompany as a lump sum for your respective apartment. Landlords working with HomeCompany now enjoy greater security at no additional cost. The conditions of the HomeCompany on site apply in each case.
Frequently asked questions
In principle, tenants and landlords of the agencies in Berlin, Bochum, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Kiel and Wuppertal* are insured.
“HomeCompany PROTECT” will cover damages to the apartment/house and inventory incurred during the rental period, provided that no other insurance coverage exists (principle of subsidiarity).
* Liability : Berlin – Bonn – – Braunschweig – Kiel/Lübeck
Liability + property content : Hamburg – Frankfurt – Düsseldorf – Dortmund – Essen – Bremen – Bochum – Freiburg – Wuppertal
Liability + Property Content:
For landlords: The inventory/furnishings of the rented property are insured as with household insurance (damage to furnishings due to fire, burglary, tap water and storm/hail). Furthermore, the loss of rent can be reimbursed if an apartment should be unusable due to an insured loss. The sum insured is initially 25,000 euros, but can be increased individually to the actual value.
The insurance also covers damage incurred by the tenant and his guests from the use of the residential properties. Existing personal, commercial or homeowners liability insurance will always take precedence over this coverage. Compensation is limited to 1 million euros for personal injury and 10,000 euros for property damage and financial loss.
For landlords and tenants: Damage to movable property (furniture and technical equipment) belonging to the landlord is also insured, insofar as this is located within the landlord’s residential property.
A deductible in the amount of 100 euros shall be borne by the party obligated to pay damages for any property damage covered by the insurance.
For tenants: Key damage is also insured up to a sum of 100,000 euros. The loss of third-party private apartment keys or code cards (including general master keys for a central locking system) that were lawfully in the tenant’s custody is included. Here, too, a deductible of 100 euros is deemed to have been agreed.
For landlords and tenants: Damage to movable property (furniture and technical equipment) belonging to the landlord is also insured, insofar as this is located within the landlord’s residential property.
A deductible in the amount of 100 euros shall be borne by the party obligated to pay damages for any property damage covered by the insurance.
Key damage up to a sum of 100,000 euros is also insured. The loss of third-party private apartment keys or code cards (including general master keys for a central locking system) that were lawfully in the tenant’s custody is included. Here, too, a deductible of 100 euros is deemed to have been agreed.
Report the claim in writing to the participating local HomeCompany, forwarding and processing will be done by the insurance partner.
Acceptance and handover protocol (PDF) | Sample inventory list (PDF) For further information, please contact the Fairsicherungsladen Freiburg.
HomeCompany assumes no liability for the presentation of insurance-relevant content and its accuracy.

We welcome your questions and requests on the subject of furnished renting and letting in Germany: We look forward to your message!
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