Furnished apartments
rent & let
We are your contact. Directly on the spot.
Furnished apartments
rent & let
We are your contact. Directly on the spot.
Furnished Flats & Apartments
Full service
We reliably focus on your wishes. For more comfort.
Operating nationally, we live by high quality standards. For more security.
Local competence
We recommend what we know. Direct and personal.
At the heart of the city
Furnished living:
A promising career opportunity, a short-term job change, a project that deserves your full attention: with us, you can quickly and easily find the perfect temporary apartment so that you can concentrate fully on your new career path. We are your contact. Directly on the spot. We recommend apartments whose location, surroundings and facilities we know personally and whose flair and comfort we are happy to provide you with information about.
Information for tenantsFlexible. Binding. Secure.
Furnished rental:
We advise you experienced and competent with the aim to design your furnished apartment according to your needs and the market. With us, contemporary, modern business apartments are created optimally oriented to the requirements of highly qualified, international interested parties. With our network, which has grown over many years, we will find the perfect tenant for you. A secure rental to mobile business tenants. Enjoy the time gained for the beautiful things that are important to you.
Information for landlordsAt these locations
we are there for you
Corporate cultures are changing dynamically. Exciting new challenges encourage flexibility and mobility. Fully equipped, ready-to-move-in flats and temporary rentable flats are becoming increasingly attractive.
With experience and competence, we are committed to reconciling the needs of tenants and landlords. Our aim is to combine the wishes of both parties and to fulfill them in the best possible way. We combine supra-regional action and personal presence on site. You benefit from the fact that we are well connected and always close by.
Choose agencyCustomer testimonials
"I have been working with HomeCompany for several years now. I really appreciate the friendly contact and the uncomplicated handling. The way they work is reputable and the whole "surrounding" is such that I can recommend them without hesitation."
Thorsten Sailer , Freiburg
"I own five rental flats that I let through HomeCompany as temporary flats and have been doing so successfully for ten years. The marketing works excellently, the flats are well occupied and the tenancies are completely unproblematic."
Jürgen Heyn – Vermieter
See for yourself
for yourself:
Current offers in the field of “temporary living”
Successful rental in the last 356 days
Agencies throughout Germany for your needs on site
Originally with the HomeCompany
Temporary living
This trend has been the driving force behind HomeCompany for more than 30 years. As a source of ideas from the very beginning, we professionalize this constantly growing market.
Professionally mobile workers, executives and executives as well as medium-sized and globally active companies trust our uniformly high quality and safety standards. These form the basis of the merger of our owner-managed agencies throughout Germany. Our common mission: We make temporary living comfortable and safe.
About HomeCompanyLatest news
HomeCompany wünscht Ihnen schöne Festtage !
Zu Weihnachten wünschen wir allen unseren Vermietern, Mietern und Geschäftspartnern eine frohe und besinnliche Zeit und entspannte, angenehme Feiertage. Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei Ihnen für ein Jahr vertrauensvoller Partnerschaft und erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit und freuen uns auf ein gemeinsames 2025! Ihre HomeCompany
Kerzen im Advent: Schäden verhindern und Versicherungen prüfen
Ein brennender Adventskranz oder Weihnachtsbaum kann schlimme Schäden in der Wohnung verursachen oder gar zu einem Wohnungsbrand führen. Der Verbraucherschutzverband Wohnen im Eigentum informiert, welche Vorkehrungen Wohnungseigentümer im Vorfeld treffen sollten.
Steigende Kosten bei Fernwärme: Wer ist betroffen?
Die Heizkosten werden laut dem aktuellen Heizspiegel 2024 auch in diesem Jahr weiter sinken – mit Ausnahme von Fernwärme, wo ein deutlicher Kostenanstieg erwartet wird. Doch wie viele Wohnungen sind von diesen steigenden Fernwärmekosten betroffen?
Immobilienkauf: 9 von 10 Käufern achten stark auf Energieeffizienzklasse
Die Energiebilanz einer Immobilie spielt für immer mehr Käufer eine entscheidende Rolle. Laut einer repräsentativen Umfrage von Immowelt achten 9 von 10 Kaufinteressenten gezielt auf die Energieeffizienz eines Objekts.
BGH: Schonfristzahlung heilt ordentliche Kündigung nicht
Bereits zum dritten Mal urteilte das LG Berlin, dass Mieter, die ihre Mietrückstände begleichen, damit nicht nur die fristlose, sondern auch die ordentliche Kündigung heilen. Bereits zum dritten Mal hebt der BGH ein solches Urteil auf.
We welcome your questions and requests on the subject of furnished renting and letting in Germany: We look forward to your message!
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