Directly for you on site in Schwerin
We are your contact for renting & letting furnished flats.

Directly for you on site in Schwerin
We are your contact for renting & letting furnished flats.
Furnished Flats & Apartments

Full service
We reliably focus on your wishes. For more comfort.

Operating nationally, we live by high quality standards. For more security.

Local competence
We recommend what we know.
Direct and personal.

At the heart of the city
Furnished living:
A promising career opportunity, a short-term job change, a project that deserves your full attention: With us you will find the perfect temporary apartment quickly and easily so that you can concentrate fully on your new professional path. We are your contact. Directly on the spot. We recommend apartments whose location and surroundings, furnishings, flair and comfort we know personally. We are your contact. Directly on the spot. We recommend apartments whose location and surroundings, furnishings, flair and comfort we know personally.
Information for tenantsFlexible. Binding. Secure.
Furnished rental:
We give you experienced and competent advice with the aim of designing your furnished apartment in line with your needs and the market. We create contemporary, modern business apartments that are optimally geared to the requirements of highly qualified, international prospects. With our network, which has grown over many years, we will find the perfect tenant for you. Safe rental to mobile business tenants: Enjoy the time you have gained for the beautiful things that are important to you.
Information for landlords
Benefits & Services

SCHUFA check
Credit check via SCHUFA. For more security.

HomeCompany PROTECT
To cover possible insurance gaps we have developed and concluded HomeCompany PROTECT.

360° photography
We present your property in a contemporary way and enable virtual viewings for interested parties.

30 years of experience
The HomeCompany is the idea generator of the first hour

Premium Service
HomeCompany takes over the complete handling of the rental relationships on request.

For you on site
Acting supraregionally – represented regionally

Proven distribution partner
Benefit from our network and experience

Agency Schwerin
Contact details
Am Margaretenhof 14
19057 Schwerin - + 49 (0) 385 – 19445 oder 0178-4767401
- + 49 (0) 385 – 4773861
- Write us an e-mail
Opening hours
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 09:00 – 17:00
Latest news

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We welcome your questions and requests on the subject of furnished renting and letting in Germany: We look forward to your message!
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